With automationbridge and Alexa you can now quickly control your z-wave gateways, with full support of all device types.
Ask Alexa to control your lights, switches, plugs, thermostats, blinds and Scenes configured with automationbridge. Also ask the status of the supported devices such as temperature sensors, door sensors & motion sensors.
Getting Started
1. To add the automationbridge Skill to Alexa go to the Alexa mobile app. Under Skills, search for “automationbridge”, Select “automationbridge” and tap “ENABLE”. 2. You will be prompted to sign in and authenticate your automationbridge account to Alexa. 3. Finally, tap “done” and then tap “DISCOVER DEVICES” or ask Alexa to “Discover Devices”. This can take up to 40 seconds.
You can turn devices on/off, for example: “Alexa, turn on my Bedroom lights” or “Alexa, turn off the Kitchen lights”. You can change the brightness, for example: "Alexa, brighten Dining Room to 60%", or “Alexa, dim the Living Room lights”. You can raise and lower your blinds, for example: "Alexa, open “the Lounge Blinds, or “Alexa, close the Bedroom Blinds”.