Investing made easy and in plain english. Learn practical money, stock market investing and personal finance tips you can do to avoid mistakes and achieve financial freedom. Linda made $2 million at the age of 39 and shares her investing, business and financial knowledge with you. Her "6 Steps to Wealth" show you how to go from $0 to financially free. Money moves in cycles and peaks in bubbles; use them to your advantage for financial freedom. Anyone can have financial freedom no matter how little money you are starting with, if you make the right choices. Her book, "You're Already a Wealth Heiress, Now Think and Act Like One: 6 Practical Steps to Make It a Reality Now!" is a good companion for this podcast (whether you're a man or a woman). If you're usually bored by finance, you won't find this podcast boring! A highly acclaimed personal finance, money and investing podcast, Be Wealthy & Smart gets your money working harder for you, so you don't have to work so hard. Linda makes financial freedom simple, speaks in plain english and has a fresh and different approach (hint: wealth building is NOT about being frugal). Listeners often hear one podcast and binge listen to the rest!