The Blade Runner Baseline Test is a prerequisite for all officers returning from retirement missions. It is mandatory for compensation to be provided. It replaces the deprecated Voight-Kampff test.
Your directive is to repeat the last phrase of the interrogator's sentence. There is no reason to be concerned Officer, but if you refuse or decide to stop the test at any time, you will be immediately escorted to holding for processing and retirement.
***This is a simulation of the acclaimed Blade Runner 2049 baseline testing scene where K is questioned to assess his emotional state. It is intended to be for fun and you may reply with any phrase you'd like. We are not liable for any existential crises this simulation may evoke.
***There are 6 different lines of questioning you may receive. Repeat the test to try out each line of questioning and prove once and for all that you are an unfeeling, emotionless entity.