This skill has two features/modes. 1) Facts. Ask your Alexa for a cat fact (eg. "Alexa, ask Cat Facts for a fact") and it'll pull a fresh cat fact from an API ( just for you. Its accompanied with some lovely purring and (if you have a display capable Alexa device) a purr-fect cat selfie. 2) Game. Ask your Alexa to play the game (eg. "Alexa, ask Cat Facts to play the game"). It'll grab one of 84 audio recordings from a feline (domestic cat or big cat) and play it to you. Your goal is to figure out what species it comes from! Practice your listening skills and learn to differentiate between different types of cat noises. Over time you'll find that the different sounds are easily identifiable by ear and you can impress friends, family and coworkers with your esoteric (but slightly useless) knowledge.