Circle FM allows you to enjoy contents together with your friends easily on Alexa!
Get Started ------------- 1. Login to using Amazon account 2. Create a circle 3. Look for contents in Discover tab add add it to your circle. 4. Share Circle to your friends, after they join, they can enjoy the content together!
TruName ------------- TruName is the key phrase to play a content. You can shorten and customize it to whatever you feel comfortable. For example, if TruName is 'number 1', then you could say "Play number 1 using Circle FM"
Common ways to play content: Open CIrcleFM and play TruName Ask Circle FM to play TruName Play TruName using Circle FM
Commands available when audio is being played Shuffle on/off Loop on/off: Loop entire list Previous Next Repeat: repeat current content Start over: start from beginning of the list.
If there's any questions, feel free to contact