Prerequisite for using the skill is a Alexa-ready device, a Microsoft Windows account and Microsoft OneNote.
For recording a note say record followed by your note. The note should not be longer than 6 seconds. If you can say the note at a conversational pace with one breath, the length is probably good. If you need to take a breath, consider reducing the length. For a note that includes successive ideas, such as steps in a task, record each idea separately. While the entire note may require more than one breath, make sure you only take breaths between and not during ideas.
The spoken note will be saved in the page 'Notes' in the section 'Alexa Notes' of the OneNote - Notebook 'Codicillus Notes' which is linked with the Microsoft user account. The page contains the notes in chronological order.
If the notebook doesn't exist it will be created. The first creation can take few minutes until it is shown in OneNote.
By using the command 'read' the notes from the OneNote-Notebook 'Codicillus Notes' are read out by Alexa. The notes are found in the page 'Notes' in the section 'Alexa Notes' of the OneNote - Notebook 'Codicillus Notes' which is linked with the Microsoft user account.
“Alexa, open take my notes and add here is the new note”