Use Comparison Guru to get the best price of a product from some of the popular online shopping stores like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy, and eBay.
The first top ten best prices of the product (e.g. Samsung S7 phone) is spoken by Alexa one price at a time, starting with the cheapest, along with the store name where the product can be purchased, and its description. The result is also displayed in the Skill detail card of your Alexa app and in your Alexa Home page. Alexa will ask you whether you want to hear the next best price or not. Alexa will say the next best price if your response is "yes", "sure", "okay", or with an affirmative response.
The product to be searched may be from any these categories: - Electronics (e.g. mobile phone, tv, laptop, tablet, game console, etc.) - Appliances (e.g. coffee maker, vacuum, microwave, toaster, etc.) - Groceries (e.g. candy and chocolate, beverage, breakfast food, etc.) - Sports and Outdoors - Video games - Books - Others
To search for a product, say, "Alexa, ask Comparison Guru the price of ", then the product name. Try to include the brand and the sub-category to get the best result. For example, "Alexa, ask Comparison Guru the price of Samsung S7 phone".
You can always get help with this skill, by saying "Alexa, open Comparison Guru", then say, "Help".
“Alexa, ask Comparison Guru the price of Samsung S7 phone in Amazon”