Tips for parents of children with various disabilities discussing special education, self-care, relationships, and behavioral issues to help your child succeed. Would have been so helpful when I look back at the moment my journey started.When my son was born, I could have never imagined that an Individual Education Plan (IEP), countless meetings with school administrators, and a learning disability diagnosis would be in our future. My first thought was that he would always be behind his peers in school, and not falling too far behind would be the only academic goal I could hope for. The older my son became, I realized that he was intelligent, curious, and just as deserving of a quality education as any other child. That’s when I decided that I would not accept anything less for my son or I, and begin to discover resources that have my son reading beyond his grade level. I couldn’t be more proud.I am Genie Dawkins, a Parent Confidence Strategist, mother of two children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dyslexia, and author of “Not My Child: Special Education Resources”, and I believe that the only thing that keeps parents from actively participating in creating successful plans for their child is a lack of resources. I created this Alexa briefing for parents like you to discuss, self-care, special education, health and wellbeing, academic goals, interpersonal relationships, behavioral coping skills, and much more. It is designed to support you in parenting confidently and knowledgeably and create a successful plan for your family.