Have you ever been in a room, waiting for someone to blurt out random bits of notation in order for you to mix up your Rubik's cube properly, only to find out that nobody is there? Fear not, undoubtedly sociable person, as this skill is for you! Cube Scrambler will generate a random 25 move scramble for you to redeem at any time by enacting said movements upon your beloved 3x3x3 puzzle. You can have Alexa stop at any time by saying "Alexa, stop," or any of its equivalents.
~~~ Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact me at cubethecuber@gmail.com with any of the above, and I will try to respond promptly. You can also achieve the same end by reviewing (hint, hint). I plan on developing this skill more, so hit me with any suggestions! Logo modified under CC0, the original can be found here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ARubik%E2%80%99s_cube_colors.svg