Losing surplus body fat is not about food deprivation, doing more exercise or eating less calories. Rather, it’s about filling up with non-fattening food that is nutritious and sustaining. It’s about protecting your muscles and being physically active in your daily life. And it’s about adopting new healthy lifestyles that with time become second nature. You are urged to follow our 2-minute flash briefings on weight loss tips every day, and if necessary listen to the same tip 2 or 3 times if anything is not clear. Feel free to make notes or record the tips if it helps. As you follow our daily tips, put the information into practice in your daily life. You will experience a dramatic change for the better sooner than you think. At the very least, these daily weight loss tips will set you thinking and urge you to find out more. All our 2-minute weight-loss tips have been carefully researched and are based on wholly reliable peer-reviewed scientific studies. Given the 2-minute time limitation, the studies and evidence cannot be presented in each 2-minute tip, but you can find out more by going to www.deliveredonline.com. Disclaimer: The information in this flash briefing is provided for informational and educational purposes only.