Duck Pond alarm lets you wake up to the natural and soothing sounds of ducks quacking in a rural pond at daybreak. OK maybe not soothing, but they are natural and relaxing. OK maybe not relaxing, but hearing a bunch of funny quacking ducks in the morning sure beats your current annoying alarm buzz! The unmistakable sound of the Mallard duck is a favorite nature sound around the world. Wake up every day like you're camping by a pond or lagoon in the wilderness! Don't FOWL up! Get quacked up every morning with Duck Pond Alarm today! Try Duck Pond Gold for even MORE quacking ducks of different breeds!
FEEDBACK AND SUPPORT: If you enjoyed Duck Pond Alarm, please leave us a review telling us what you love, and what alarms you want to hear next!
“Alexa, set an alarm at 7:00 AM to duck pond alarm tone”