Dynalink Life allow users to easily control their Dynalink smart devices with Google Assistant as follows: Instruction
1. Download the "Dynalink" app from Google Play or App Store
2. Sign up or sign in with your Dynalink account
3. Setup the device with your Dynalink app, and make sure you can control devices in the app
4. Open "Google Home" app (if you have not installed, please go to "Google Play/App Store" to download the app). Click "+" at the top left, select "Set up device" list option, choose "Works with Google".
5. Search for "Dynalink Life" action and enable it by signing in with the same ID you used in the Dynalink app
6. After the setup is finished, you can control the device with Google Assistant. Suggested Queries:
Wi-Fi Router:
"Ok, Google. Enable guest network on the Dynalink router.";
"Ok, Google. Disable guest network on the Dynalink router." Supported Email:
If you need any support, please reach out to us by dynalink-support@askeycloud.com and https://dynalink.life/.