eventseeker provides you personalized information about events happening nearby and your favorite musicians, bands and comedians.
To get started you simply need to say, Alexa, launch eventseeker, you will be guided to select an event category of your choice. After selecting the category, Alexa will list events happening in your city.
You can change category any time using the following command: Change my category to sports
To change your city, simply say: Alexa change my location to New York, or Alexa change my city to San Francisco. Alexa will confirm the change in location.
You can also say Alexa what's happening tonight or anytime in the future. Try asking Alexa: Alexa what should I do next week? Alexa what should I do this weekend? Alexa what is happening this week? Alexa what is happening on January 30th? Alexa what's happening on April 5th in San Francisco Alexa who is performing at at&t park? alexa where is shakira playing?
To close the skill and interaction with Alexa you can say bye, good bye or close or stop.
Thanks for your feedback! Please share your thoughts, and we'll do our best to provide the best possible experience.
“Alexa ask event seeker to get me events for music”