ABOUT FANTASY STOCK: Have you ever wondered if you will do well in stock market? Here comes good news.
This Alexa skill lets you practice and improve the stock buying and selling skills without using your real money. No matter you are a new investor or seasoned one, you will find this Alexa Skill provides an unique value. After opening an account with command "Start Game", you can buy and sell stocks as if you were in real stock market. You will start with an initial balance of $10,000, and you can then buy and sell stock with that initial balance in your account. There is a charge of $4.95 for each buy or sell transaction to make this more real to the stock market.
Contact fantasystockx@gmail.com if you have any question or suggestions.
PHASES: To get help on a list of things, say "Help" at any time. You can use either the full name of a company or the symbol to refer to a stock. For example, both "Netflix" and"NFLX" gives you Netflix company stock.
Here are some commands you can say: To get started: say "Start game". To buy a stock: say "Buy stock" To sell a stock: say "Sell stock" To buy a stock with all your available cash: say "Buy all Google", or "All in Google" To sell all of a stock: say "Sell all Google" or "Dump all Google" To see all stocks in your account: say "What stocks do I have" To check your balance: say "what's my balance" To check your performance: say "What's my performance" To see a list of transaction: say "What's my transaction" To check performance on a stock: say "What's my gain or loss on Google" To check quote on a stock: say "What's the price of Google" To check the news about a stock: say "What's news for Google" To check the market cap of a stock: say "what's the market cap of Google" To exit the skill, say "Alexa Stop". To ask for help: say "Help"
DISCLAIMERS: Stock trading has risk. Market has volatility. Past performance does not guarantee the future returns. Consulting your attorney before you investing in real market. Fantasy Stock does not guarantee any real performance in real market. It reserves the rights to close the account or stop supporting the game at any time with its sole decision