- A set up and ready to use ABB-free@home System with firmware version 2.1.6 or higher - A user account at my.abb-livingspace.com - The free@home System needs to be registered at my.abb-livingspace.com - Login credentials to your System Access Point with Permission Level "Installer" or "Configurator"
1. Login to your free@home User Interface with Permission Level "Installer" or "Configurator" and go to "Settings" → "myABB-LivingSpace" → "Conncetion". Make sure that the option "Allow Cloud interfacing (Amazon Alexa)" is enabled.
2. Activate the free@home Skill in the Amazon Alexa App.
3. Log in with your username and password to my.abb-livingspace.com.
4. Click on "Find my devices". You will hear a confirmation about the number of identified devices.
Please follow this Link for a detailed installation description and a download link for the latest Firmware: http://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=9AKK107045A8729&DocumentPartId=&Action=Launch