Freedive Training is a skill to help you practice static oxygen and carbon dioxide breath hold tables for the sport of apnea. Under the guidance of your personal apnea instructor and freedive coach, named Shell, you will increase your breath-hold tolerances quickly and significantly improve your performance in the sport of apnea freediving and even in recreational freediving and spearfishing.
Freediving training is about adding small amounts practice on a regular basis until your body is conditioned to deal with the high carbon dioxide and low oxygen levels. It is highly recommended that you take a Freediving certification course before using these tables. Freedive courses will teach you all of the proper breathe up techniques: including the Normal Ventilations, Ventilations, Purges, Peak Inhalations, and Recovery Breathing that you will need to improve your performance safely.
In this skill, you will find both oxygen and carbon dioxide tables, which are sectioned into different training phases ranging from phase one through phase eight. The tables become more challenging as your progress into the higher phases. It is suggested that you only complete one Phase of each Tolerance Table per week. For instance, you can do an oxygen table Phase on Tuesday and a CO2 Phase on Thursday, but not more than one oxygen or CO2 Phase each week until you are more conditioned to doing Apnea tables.
Please remember train responsibly, dive within your limits, never dive alone, and always dive with a trained buddy!
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