Fridge Buddy helps to reduce food waste and save time and money by keeping track of the expiry dates of the items in your fridge.
Open Fridge Buddy while you're putting your shopping away and tell it the name and expiry date of each item as you place it in the fridge. Fridge Buddy will keep track of everything, so you'll never again need to rummage through the contents of your fridge to check expiry dates.
You can ask Fridge Buddy "What needs using?" or "What needs using by Friday?".
You can also ask "What's in my fridge?" for a full list of your fridge contents, or "when does the cheese expire?".
As you use each item, simply let Fridge Buddy know by saying "Remove <food name>".
Fridge Buddy will even help you with a Fridge clear-out. Ask "What's expired" for a list of what needs to go, and then "Remove expired items" when you're done.
Ask Fridge Buddy to find you a recipe and it will search a database of thousands of recipes from around the world, based on the items in your fridge that need using up first.
Example requests: "Add cheese expiring July 12th" "Add milk July 14th" "What needs using" "What needs using by tomorrow/July 20th/Friday?" "Remove cheese" "What's expired?" "Remove expired items" "When does the chicken go off?" "Suggest some recipes" "Find recipes for cheese, mushrooms, and cream"
Top tip: To add multiple items quickly, say "Open Fridge Buddy" and then use "add..." repeatedly.
If you're enjoying Fridge Buddy, please take a second to add a review, they're really appreciated. If you have any feedback (good or bad) or suggestions for improvements/new features then we'd really love to hear from you. Please contact or drop us a tweet @AlexaOpen.
“Alexa, ask Fridge Buddy to add cheese expiring on 25th of August”