Welcome to the GO Schedule Alexa Skill! You can interact with me in several ways to find out what the departure and arrival times of GO Transit trains are.
(1) Trigger me by saying 'Alexa, ask GO Schedule <question>'
(2) **To find out the departure and arrival time of the next train** say: 'Alexa, ask GO Schedule when is the next train from Ajax to Union?' or 'Alexa ask GO schedule when is the next three trains from Pickering to Union'
(3) **Find out a train schedule for a specific day or date** say: 'Alexa, ask GO Schedule when is the next train after 11 a.m. on Sunday?' or 'Alexa ask GO Schedule when is the earliest train today?'
(4) **Find out if there are any delays on a GO Train route**: 'Alexa, ask GO Schedule what is the status of Lakeshore East'
(5) **Find out which train arrives at a destination**: 'Alexa ask GO Schedule which train arrives by 6p.m at Union station from Aldershot station?'
Additionally after opening the skill (eg. 'Alexa, open GO Schedule'), you can say things to me directly like: - When is the last train on Monday? - What is the latest update?
Please note: GO Buses schedules are not supported at this time, only train schedules.
“Alexa, ask GO Schedule what is the status of Lakeshore West”