Encourage positive child behavior through the Good Job! goal and reward system. Life is hectic, and it is not always easy to take the time to log a child's positive behavior. Good Job! makes it easy - just say Alexa tell Good Job to give Ella a star. Good Job! will take care of tracking the award and telling you when your child has reached their goal. Here is a typical conversation:
ALEXA OPEN GOOD JOB - Welcome to Good Job ...
SET A GOAL OF TEN STARS FOR ELLA - A goal of ten stars has been set for Ella ... to set a reward ... say: the reward is X ...
THE REWARD IS A NEW BOOK - a reward of a new book has been set ...
(later -this step is repeated whenever Ella deserves a star) ALEXA TELL GOOD JOB TO GIVE ELLA A STAR - awarding Ella one star. Ella now has a total of ....
(at any point) ALEXA ASK GOOD JOB FOR A REPORT - Ella has five stars toward a goal of ten, with a reward of a new book
(when the tenth star is awarded) ALEXA ASK GOOD JOB TO GIVE ELLA A STAR - awarding Ella one star ... Congratulations to Ella for reaching a goal of ten stars. Your reward is a new book.
Good Job! supports multiple child names and 4 different types of awards (stars, hearts, rainbows, and unicorns).
Be sure to ask for Help. You can repeat any section you miss by saying Repeat and you can hear a previous section of the help by saying Go Back.