Here's a step by step guide: 1.Download our "Gosund" app in google Play or iOS App Store; 2.Launch the app and register a new account(or login if you're already registered); 3.Turn on Gosund devices and connect them with "Gosund" app; 4.IMPORTANT: You can rename the devices with Gosund App.So if you rename a smart bulb "livingroom Light",then Echo will get that same name after discovered the devices in Step 9; 5.Download Amazon "Alexa" app from Amazon Market,Google Play or iOS App Store,and connect Echo with "Alexa" app; 6.Search the Alexa Skills directory for "Gosund"; 7.Click Enable skill of "Gosund",then input your account username,password and region on the linking page; 8.Talk to Echo "Alexa,discover devices",Wait till Echo says "Discover is completed"; 9.Now all setup is done ,Try talk to Echo to control you devices. Lights: *Alexa,turn on my livingroom light *Alexa,turn off my livingroom light *Alexa,dim my livingroom light *Alexa,brighten my livingroom light *Alexa,set the livingroom light to 20 percent *Alexa,set bedroom light to green. *Alexa,set bedroom light to red *Alexa,set bedroom light to cool white Plugs: *Alexa,turn on my plug *Alexa,turn off my plug