I have been a pastor under appointment by the United Methodist Church since July 1, 2013, and since the very beginning I have been uploading my sermons as a podcast. This is our seventh year under appointment and so the seventh season of the podcast begun in 2013. More and more our society and our church is abandoning the authority of scripture, despite the fact that it is God speaking directly to us. I have felt since the beginning that we need to cling to the Bible as the inspired word of God, that we need to submit ourselves to its authority over our lives, and that we need to study what God says to us in its pages. Guerrilla battle tactics have been employed for hundreds of years by military forces that may be outnumbered and outgunned. The voice of those standing for Biblical authority seems to be the minority these days. But Guerrilla battle tactics use unconventional means to conquer superior forces. Guerrilla Christianity is, as we have said since the beginning, an unconventional, no apologies exposition of God’s grace as revealed in scripture. As Martin Luther said at the Diet of Worms: “Here I stand. I can do no other. So help me God.” Let that be our prayer today as we stand on and submit ourselves to the authority of God’s word.