Head Games is an Interactive Fiction game system for playing Z-Interpreter games like those found at the Interactive Fiction Database - http://ifdb.tads.org/. This skill starts you off with a small library of titles that will expand as we review other titles for compatability with the Alexa voice interface (since the originals are text based, not all work well). Key things to be aware of for this version - you can keep multiple games active at any time. There is ample contextual help throughout.
Please note the following: playing IF is different than other Alexa skills. Once the game begins, the commands you say are interpreted by the IF game. Since these games were originally designed for text entry, they may seem a little strange. Be patient and remember if the prompt says to press a key, simply say the key like 'SPACE' or 'Q'.
Pen and paper for notes is advised. If you use a mobile device, the dialog exchange is displayed in your activities.
Contextual Help is available on request.
To get started, say FIRST, NEXT, PREVIOUS or LAST to cycle through the list of available games. Say DESCRIPTION for more information. Say SELECT when you find the one you want to play. Once in a game, you interact using standard IF commands and actions. Just say HELP and Alexa will provide or for a printable card, visit http://pr-if.org/doc/play-if-card/play-if-card.pdf.
Commands are statements you make that do not target a specific person or object like INVENTORY, LOOK, LISTEN and WAIT. Navigation actions include GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST, SOUTHWEST and NORTHWEST. Simple actions are like TAKE TORCH or GET LANTERN. Some actions require an action, an object, a preposition, and another object as in PUT KEY IN LOCK. Objects are found throughout the game. They are used in combination with actions. For example, EXAMINE ROCK or TAKE KEY.
Head Games continuously bookmarks your last move. When you return to a game, you start where you left off even if Alexa times out. During the game you can also save a RESTORE point at anytime by saying SAVE. Return to this point by saying RESTORE. In the game you can also RESTART and END.
LEGAL STUFF: This Alexa adaptation is based on the ifvms.js, the Javascript Interactive Fiction Virtual Machines project. A new set of third generation VM engines for web IF interpreters. Like the second generation VMs Gnusto and Quixe, the ifvms.js VMs include a Just-In-Time disassembler/compiler. What justifies the third generation label is that the disassembler generates an Abstract Syntax Tree, allowing Inform idioms, for example for and while loops, to be identified and mapped to Javascript control structures (currently not enabled). Identifying these idioms allows the JIT code to run for longer, lowering overheads and therefore increasing performance. Currently only the Z-Machine is supported. GlkOte Library: version 2.2.4. Designed by Andrew Plotkin <erkyrath@eblong.com> <http://eblong.com/zarf/glk/glkote.html> The GlkOte, GlkAPI, and Dialog Javascript libraries are copyright 2008-2016 by Andrew Plotkin. They are distributed under the MIT license; see the "LICENSE" file. The GlkOte documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. See <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0>
All game content is linked to the URLS provided through the IFDB Home. This skill is not sponsored or endorsed by IFDB Home. All content if filtered as per license rights listed by IFDB Home. If any content is not licensed for free use, please notify us at waapsdev@gmail.com and we will remove the link from the skill content loader.