The Hebrew Garden skill has a database of the top 400 most frequently used words in the Bible.
You can say "Alexa - Tell Hebrew Garden teach me a word" to learn new vocabulary words.
When ready to review what you've learned, you can say "Alexa - Tell Hebrew Garden Start Quiz", and you will get a quiz of 5 random words. In the quiz mode, you need to reply "answer _____" where you say the English answer. If the skill teaches you that a Hebrew words has 2 or 3 English meanings, you need only reply with any one of those English words to get the answer correct.
You can optionally say "set range from 1 to 20" (or any other number range) to limit your words that you are taught and quized. You can optionally say "quiz size 10" or any other number to change the number of questions asked during the quiz).
You can say "help" or "advanced help" to be reminded of what the valid responses are.
Other common responses are next (in the teach me a word mode) and repeat (in either teach or quiz mode).