Ask Alexa to control your switches and dimmers with Horus, or use pre-configured scenes (sequences) to control multiple systems at once. You can also ask her for the status of the compatible devices or ask any questions about them.
Getting Started: 1. To add the Horus skill to Alexa, go to Alexa mobile app or install it if you haven't already done so. Under Skills & Games, search for “Horus Smart Control Plus”, select it, and tap “ENABLE TO USE”.
2. You will be prompted to sign in to the Horus Portal to link your account to Alexa.
3. Next, select the devices you want Alexa to control. You can even enter custom names for each device (eg, Main Light, Guest Room Light, etc.). Note: Please note that on the Discover Your Devices screen, you cannot use special characters, such as the underscore (_), when customizing the device names.
4. Finally, tap "done" and then tap "DISCOVER DEVICES" or ask: "Alexa discover devices". This can take up to 20 seconds.
Start living smarter with the Horus Smart Control Plus skill for Amazon Alexa!
*Additional notes: - For security reasons, the lock function only includes locking the locks and checking their status. You cannot currently unlock the locks through the Horus skill and Alexa. - Horus works with compatible Amazon devices!