InfoMark is a revolutionary way to discover and share relevant information quickly. Give others access to product manuals, photos, documents, links, addresses and much more with ease. Our mission is to give you the ability to access and share relevant information effortlessly.
To begin, go to, log in with a Google Email, and create a new InfoMark to share files and information with friends, students, businesses and more. You can add your InfoMarks to product labels, business cards, blogs, websites, or any other text. Others can then look up your InfoMark and reference any information which you designate as relevant.
InfoMarks can reference images, links, photos, video files, audio files, addresses, and more.
As for this skill, you can begin any Alexa Streaming Audio from a mark by saying Alexa, ask my mark to play any infomark that has alexa audio. This will allow Alexa to play that particular marks audio.
On our website ( you are allowed to create an item called Alexa Streaming which will then be played on this device.