DESCRIPTION: Alexa learned the force of compound interest and can calculate it for you. Just say a sum in dollars, an interest rate in percent and your time of invest. Right now, Alexa knows the typical exponential rate of return. Additionally, Alexa knows some facts about the compound interest. Just ask Alexa about facts…
Alexa explain in a short example, what is interest. And for all Alexa friends with a Display device, you will see your calculation result on the screen. Have fun!
USE THE SKILL Let’s go: 1. Activate the skill for using 2. Open the skill with the default command and have fun the numbers
If you have experience with compound interest and Alexa, you can say the short command for using the skill. So, you don't waste time:
So, just say: „Alexa, ask interest calculator 100 dollars in 5 years”
Even faster: „Alexa, ask interest calculator 100 dollars in 5 years with 4 %. “
MATHEMATICS: Alexa is using the compound interest formula with the exponential increase.
IMPORTANT: Alexa, accept only integer! For example: 100 $, 202 $ 154.350 $ The maximum initial capital is under on Million $.
“Alexa, ask interest calculator for hundred dollars in five years”