Use the Jamaica Stocks Alexa Skill to save time getting information about Stocks on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. You can ask about individual stock prices, the top gainers and losers and even setup your favourite list of stocks for easy reference. Advanced features will be added later, providing you with advanced intelligence through basic conversation with your device.
Disclaimer: The stock prices and other information provided in the Jamaica Stocks Alexa Skill are strictly for informational purposes, are sourced from publicly available information and should not be relied upon for trading. Historical and current stock price performance is not indicative of future performance. You should not rely on the stock price quotes or market data provided in the Jamaica Stocks Alexa Skill for trading and investment purposes. The Developer of the Jamaica Stocks Alexa Skill does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness nor completeness of any stock information. The Developer shall not be liable to any party for delays, inaccuracies, omissions, or errors in such data, or for any actions taken in reliance of such data, or for any damages resulting therefrom.
“Alexa, ask Jamaica Stocks for the latest price of Wisynco”