Control your JellyFish Lights with Alexa Home! Say "Ask JellyFish Lights to play pattern valentines day" After setup, you will get multiple devices added to your Alexa account, one for each zone on your JellyFish controller(s) and another called "All" that controls all devices on your account. To use the skill, you can say something like "Alexa, turn front of house blue" JellyFish Lighting is a permanent color-changing LED lighting system for the exterior of homes. It is capable of everything from nightly accent lighting that mimics recessed can lighting to any color and pattern for your holidays and parties. Easily decorate for all occasions like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, Birthday Parties, and more! To use the JellyFish Lights skill for Amazon Alexa, you will need a JellyFish Cloud account, which you can sign up for in the JellyFish Cloud app. In addition, you'll need to set up a JellyFish Lighting Controller, which the instructions to do so are in the JellyFish Cloud app. To link your JellyFish lights with Amazon Alexa, we recommend starting from the JellyFish Cloud app and going to Setup>Smart Home>Enable Amazon Alexa and following the instructions from there