If you're not sure what blessing to say, just ask Jewish Blessings! Whether it's on food, drinks, holidays, or various occasions, Alexa will tell you the blessing, or after blessing, depending on what you want to know!
Here are some examples of what you can ask:
"Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings for the blessing on falafel." "Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings what is the bracha on macaroni and cheese." "Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings what is the after blessing on oatmeal." "Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings what bracha do I say on lightning." "Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings what is the blessing for lighting candles on Passover." "Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings for the bracha on lighting candles on Hanukkah." "Alexa, open Jewish Blessings."
Please note: there are often debates regarding which blessing to say and when, so check with your local Rabbi. Furthermore, the halachot (laws) here apply only to those living outside of Israel. There are often different laws, especially for the holidays, for those living in Israel.
*** Updated December 13, 2017 to include new foods, cereals, and events! If the blessing you're looking for currently can't be found, it will potentially be added in the near future (unless it's a very long blessing, in which case Alexa might have difficulty saying it). So stay tuned! ***
“Alexa, ask Jewish Blessings what after blessing do I say on latkes.”