Jumble solver unscrambles word jumbles (also known as word puzzles or anagrams). Just spell in your jumble by saying "Alexa, ask word find" followed immediately by the letters of your jumble. Jumble solver will give you the first letter as a clue. If you want the next letter, say "Alexa, ask word find next". If you want to repeat the clue, say "Alexa, ask word find repeat". To solve the full jumble, say "Alexa, ask word find full word". Jumble solver saves your last entered jumble between sessions.
Jumble Solver can solve jumbles for words between 3 and 14 characters long (single words, no spaces). If Jumble Solver is having difficulty understanding particular letters, you can use the phonetic alphabet for those letters instead: A = Alpha B = Bravo C = Charlie D = Delta E = Echo F = Foxtrot G = Golf H = Hotel I = India J = Juliett K = Kilo L = Lima M = Mike N = November O = Oscar P = Papa Q = Quebec R = Romeo S = Sierra T = Tango U = Uniform V = Victor W = Whiskey X = Xray Y = Yankee Z = Zulu