Discover the mighty, primeval sounds of the Dinosaurs! This skill shows you how Tyrannosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Velociraptor and 30 other dinosaur species sounded. It also answers your questions about your favorite Dinosaurs and displays their images.
To start, say "Alexa, open Jurassic Sounds." To hear a Dinosaur's roar, say for example: "What does a Tyrannosaurus sound like?"
To learn more about certain species you can ask for example: "What is a Velociraptor?" "How big was a Giganotosaurus?" "When did the Triceratops live?" "What did a Stegosaurus eat?" "Where did the Brachiosaurus live?"
If you dare, you can also say for example: "Release the Tyrannosaurus" or "help, the Allosaurus is coming." To get a list of available Dinosaur species, say "which Dinosaurs are available?" To learn more about a random dinosaur, say "tell me about a random Dinosaur."
You can also create a reminder from within your skill to listen to your favorite dinosaur sounds. Just say for example "set a reminder for 7 PM" to receive a daily reminder. Say "delete reminder" to delete it again.
PREMIUM: With our Premium version, you get access to 40 more exciting Dinosaurs, 130 new high quality sounds for all 70 Dinosaurs and awesome features like the Dinosaur Expedition, which lets you experience a fascinating adventure in a primeval jungle.
Additionally, the following questions are available with Premium only: - What is the biggest Dinosaur? - What is the smallest Dinosaur? - What is the fastest Dinosaur? - What is the heaviest Dinosaur? - What is the oldest Dinosaur? For more details, please see below under "In-Skill Purchases".
Currently the following Dinosaurs are available for free: Albertosaurus Allosaurus Ankylosaurus Archaeopteryx Argentinosaurus Brachiosaurus Carnotaurus Ceratosaurus Compsognathus Deinonychus Dilophosaurus Diplodocus Giganotosaurus Iguanodon Neovenator Nothosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Parasaurolophus Plesiosaurus Polacanthus Proceratosaurus Pteranodon Pterodactylus Spinosaurus Stegosaurus Supersaurus Therizinosaurus Triceratops Tyrannosaurus Velociraptor
Please note that all sounds are only for entertainment purposes and are of course no real Dinosaur sounds. If you would like to add another Dinosaur species, request a new feature or if you have other feedback, feel free to send us an email at: oji.sys(at)
Have fun with Jurassic Sounds!
Credits: Icon made by Freepik from Sounds by Soundsnap