JustWatch is your streaming search engine for movies and shows! The JustWatch Skill can tell you for any movie or show which streaming site it is available on. You can of course save your favorite streaming sites and get direct answers for the providers you already have. JustWatch supports over 30 countries and over 120 streaming providers worldwide!
Ask for example: "Alexa, ask JustWatch where I can watch Titanic."
To get more accurate search results, specify if it is a show or a movie:
"Alexa, ask JustWatch where the show Game of Thrones is playing." "Alexa, ask JustWatch where the movie Avatar is playing."
To list your favorite providers and your country, just say: "Alexa, ask JustWatch for my favorites."
You can also directly ask for a specific streaming provider: "Alexa, ask JustWatch if Netflix has The Avengers."
For the U.S., JustWatch supports Netlifx, Amazon Prime & Amazon Video, hulu, Yahoo View, HBO, iTunes, fandango and many more streaming sites. Via the setup, JustWatch knows which streaming providers you prefer and which content is available in your country and can therefore directly provide you with the right answer.
The JustWatch Skill was developed in cooperation with Voicehub GmbH, visit us at www.voicehub.io
“Alexa, ask JustWatch where the show Breaking Bad is playing.”