Happy New Year, to our readers and may all your new year’s dreams and wishes come true! We know from deep inside our hearts that the new year of 2019 is going to be a fabulous year for us all… The first K-pop act that we at KCrush America interviewed for the year of 2019, is the K-pop girl group sensation, Ladies’ Code. (Applause…) Ladies’ Code is a South Korean girl group formed by Polaris Entertainment in the year of 2013. The group made their debut with the mini-album, Code#01 and their debut single “Bad Girl”, released on March 7, 2013. I was lucky to attend their fan meeting in December of 2018, and was left with a great impression of the trio who were so warm and loving towards their fans. The meet and greet was very intimate and exclusive only to their fan club members; the live performance and the overall interaction with the audience was incredible. We’d like to give special thanks to the members of Ladies’ Code; Ashley, Sojung and Zuny (their manager too!) for a great interview and wish them all the success that they deserve and much more! We hope the interview will provide deeper insight into Ladies’ Code, especially to their fan base the “Lavelys.”