Keep Your Cane Hand Strong Movement was intentionally designed to promote self-reliance and interdependence within the blind community and beyond . Everyone can succeed when they have the resources to do so. Accessibility empowers everyone and this short little podcast featuring clips of members of the blind community as well as their Universal Accomplices is meant to inspire an individual to create their own change in their life. In a few minutes a listener can leverage the power of the lessons learned from these short stories, helpful tips and tricks and change the trajectory of their future. I created this movement especially for individuals like myself that still had a little bit of self-doubt. The Keep Your Cane Hand Strong Movement was created to demolish any limiting beliefs that prevent individuals from living the life of their dreams. It is my hope that you share this podcast with the ones you love and share the knowledge that you learn from each and every story. May you always live, love and be inspired by the choices you make. XO Nicole a.k.a. the Brassknucklebeauty