Why do some kids want to wear shorts in the middle of winter while others a jacket on a hot day? And does any amount of nagging ever work? This Alexa Skill, Kids Weather, gives kids the current weather in fun and friendly terms while also recommending what to wear. At least in my case, kids tend to listen better when Alexa says to wear a coat than me. Kids can ask for the weather for any city as well as future and past dates. If they're asking about a city with a common name, include the state or region as well.
Per Amazon privacy rules for kids skills, this skill does not collect any location data about the user, so a user will always have to specify the city they're interested in hearing about which may or may not be where they are located.
We appreciate feedback and suggestions which can be sent to lesley@forjackandjill.com. If you love this skill, please let us know by giving us a 5-star rating!
This skill makes use of the Dark Sky api for weather data. Weather icons are from www.freevector.com/weather-icons-19831