Kotipizza’s pizzagame is a fun way to order your new favourite pizza! Start the game by saying “Alexa, open Kotipizza game”.
We use your Alexa "device location" to find participating restaurants. Remember to check that your device location is up to date and allow skill permission to access the device location.
You can find your device location from your Alexa-app. Open "menu" and choose "Alexa Devices" from that menu. Select the device and open "Device location". From here you can see the device location and update it.
Payments are done with Pivo.
Please note that skill is only available to Finnish customers.
Tell us the phone number you have used to register Pivo. If you don’t have Pivo yet, you can get it from: https://uusi.op.fi/use-of-op-eservices/pivo
How does the game work?
1. You start the game by saying "Alexa, open Kotipizza game". We will raffle three toppings to your pizza. 2. Next, you will be informed about the toppings we raffled for you, after that you can make the decision to either purchase the pizza or raffle a new one. 3. We will send you an SMS confirmation once your pizza is done and it’s being prepared at the disclosed Kotipizza restaurant. Delivery options may vary by restaurant.
You can get the best experience by using Alexa Echo device, but the service is also available for Android phones.