L. Cars will boot up, tell you the current stardate in the style of Star Trek: TNG, and allows the user to get the current decimal time readout. Ask "What time is it" and L. Cars will tell you the current decimal time. (Stardates and decimal time are approximate and based on UTC-05:00, "Eastern Time," they are also fictional and should not be used for actual time keeping). In both the television shows and movies set in the Star Trek Universe, the fictional "stardate" system of time keeping set the shows in a far off future. This skill will let you know the current stardate according to a proprietary calculation method unique to this skill. For more information on the system used to devise the current stardate, please visit https://jhelman857.wixsite.com/home/stardate . For more information on decimal time please visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time .