Thinking of a good meal somewhere but can't decide to go there?
Lazy Foodie helps you quickly decide on a restaurant or eating place you are interested in. Lazy Foodie provides you with the rating of a restaurant, the cuisines served there, and how much should a meal for two ideally cost.
For example, you can ask: - "Alexa, ask Lazy Foodie what's the rating for Hakkasan in Mayfair" - "Alexa, ask Lazy Foodie how costly is Otto's Pizzeria in Brooklyn?" - "Alexa, ask Lazy Foodie what does Bukhara in Chanakyapuri specialize in?"
When you're feeling hungry, Lazy Foodie is the ultimate tool for you to help make up your mind!
Lazy Foodie is powered by Zomato and Urbanspoon's restaurant catalogues which covers over 23 countries around the world.
Icon design is from the Kameleon collection, courtesy of Vincent Le Moign.
Lazy Foodie is proudly open-source. If you want to help improve this Alexa skill, please visit
“Alexa, ask Lazy Foodie what's the rating for Heart Attack Grill at Las Vega... ”