The purpose of this skill is to save time for attorneys, clerks and judges belonging to the United States Courts by making it easy to access and fill court forms. No more searching online frantically for a form. Simply talk to an Alexa device and receive the latest PDF version of the form in your email inbox as an attachment pre-filled with your name, address and email (if applicable). For ex: To get 'Appearance of Counsel - AO 458' form, simply say 'Get AO 458'.
Currently, the following forms are included:
Appearance of Counsel (AO 458) Bill of Costs (AO-133) Consent to Proceed Before Magistrate (AO-085) Notice of Lawsuit and Waiver of Service (AO-398) Summons (AO-440) Summons - Third Party (AO-441) Waiver of the Service of Summons (AO-399)
If you would want to add a form, please email us at so we can add it to this skill. This is a modest start and we are planning to add more forms incrementally in future releases of this skill.