You wake up in your room, but everything seems different. You start to investigate and discover new rooms and objects. Where will all of this take you to?
To play you need to know that there are two types of objects: those you can keep in the inventory, like a lantern or a key, and those you can't take out of the room, like a bed, a painting... You can look or examine the objects you can't save in the inventory to obtain more information about them. For those objects you can keep, you can say take, drop or use. To explore the room, you can look in any direction: north, south, east, west, up and down. This will give you enough information to examine the objects you see. You can combine two objects of the inventory or use one object of the inventory with an object of the room. For example, you can say: use key in door or combine lantern with batteries. You can go to another room saying: go to and the name of the room. Furthermore, you can obtain a clue, ask where are you, what's in your inventory, what's your name, what's your score or change your name.
Some examples of the actions you can do:
- look (direction) - look up - look or examine (object of the room) - look bed - take (portable object) - take key - drop (portable object) - drop key - use (portable object) - use letter (some objects of the inventory can be used individually; in this case we would read the letter) - use (portable object) in (object of the room) - use key in door - combine or use (portable object) with/in (portable object) - combine batteries and lantern - go to the (name of the room) - go to the bathroom (you can go to an adjacent room if the access is open) - where am I - what's in my inventory - give me a clue - change name - what is my name - what is my score
There are some other instructions during the game. They are explained when they are needed.