“Loud Whispers” focuses on indigenous and Métis voices, stories, history, lore, crime, residential schools, and much more. The program is focused on North American stories, mainly Canadian. The purpose of this product is to give life to the people that have been forgotten or whose stories have never been told. Also, bring light to the multitude of events that add happened in North America to indigenous/Métis people, both good and bad. “Loud Whispers” is an educational product designed to give listeners a surface level of information that they can then take and consider for further research, by doing this “Loud Whispers” helps teach audiences about the history, culture, and current situation of indigenous people and the relationship that they have with Canada, its government, and people.
The research found that many Canadians were never properly educated about indigenous or Métis people, throughout school, households, or various institutions. Much of what happened to Canada's indigenous people were “swept under the rug” by the Canadian government and Canadian people. Ignorance and bias exist due to a lack of education or empathy to see native Canadians as fellow human beings/citizens. Not unique to Canadians, misinformation, and confusion exist for immigrants to Canada because they have no way of learning about indigenous people or their history. Worsening the problem is the reserves, acting like a ghetto the reserves segregate the indigenous people to sections of land that are far away from Canadian cities often from centers of activity. They are vastly underserviced by the Canadian government.