The Magento Commerce skill is a simple way to learn more about the most flexible and powerful ecommerce platform available -- from Magento, an Adobe Company.
Once you're in the skill, just say "Alexa, ask Magento Commerce..."
"What makes Magento Commerce better than my ecommerce platform?"
"Why should I choose Magento Commerce?"
"What can Magento Commerce handle?"
"What should I know about progressive web apps?"
"Can you help me with headless commerce?"
"If already sell on Amazon, why do I need my own platform?"
"How many digital buyers will there be worldwide by 2020?"
"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck actually chucked wood?"
"How do I know you? Your name sounds familiar."
"I want to talk. What should I do next?"
“What makes Magento better than my ecommerce platform”