Can you climb your way to the top of Math Mountain? Fair warning, it's *not* as easy as 1, 2, 3.
HOW TO PLAY: You're given 7 math questions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, ratios, percentages, etc.). Answer all 7 questions correctly to reach the summit of Math Mountain. But beware, any wrong answers and you lose the game! The answers get harder as you climb, and you're given 3 free lifelines as support. So, what are you waiting for? "Alexa, open Math Mountain!"
LEADERBOARD: Once you reach the summit, you will start a win streak. Play again (and win) to keep the streak going and rise in the leaderboard ranks. Personal high scores reset every 30 days. To hear your leaderboard position at any point, just say "Alexa, what is my ranking?"
PREMIUM PACKS: There are two premium packs - the Starter Pack and the Mega Pack. Each offer additional lifelines for climbing Math Mountain.
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