Gets the latest wind and temperature info from the Lake Mendota Buoy in Madison, WI. Say "get the latest", "I want to sail", or "open Mendota Buoy" to retrieve the most up-to-date info.
Other things you can say to get the same information: Alexa, open Mendota Buoy Alexa, get wind from Mendota Buoy Alexa, find wind from Mendota Buoy Alexa, get current status from Mendota Buoy
Alexa, ask Mendota Buoy... how much wind is there how's the wind is it a good day to sail what's new about sailing to find the weather to get the wind
Mendota Buoy retrieves wind data from the UW-Madison Center for Limnology's weather buoy Lake Mendota ( If the buoy has not sent data in the past hour, up-to-date wind data is retrieved from the AOSS sensor tower instead.