The Miller Museum collection is organized by the Miller Museum of Entomological Wonder Number or mmew#. Each specimen in the collection has entries for the following categories: Order Family Genus Speices Subspeices Common Name Additional Names Day Month Year Date Habitat Location Speciemen Gender County State Elevation Collector Latitude Longitude Time of Day Temperature Weather Humidity Last Preservation Observation Date Freezer-in Freezer-out Notes
Here is a full list of prompts the Miller Museum can answer:
Quick facts about Specimen [mmew#].
How many specimens are in the order [order]?
How many families are represented?
How many specimens has [collector] collected?
How many insects have been collected in [state]?
Tell me about number [mmew#].
How many specimens are there?
What is the [any categories] of number [mmew#]?
How do I provide feedback?
Given that most questions require a number or a category the example prompts contain bracketed words for example:
What is the [any categories] of number [mmew#]?
This question requires any of the categories listed above as well as a mmew#
For example: "What is the common name of number 500?" "How many insects have been collected in Colorado?"
More prompts will be added in the future. If you have any feedback you would like to provide the skill can provide you with contact information using the "How do I provide feedback?" prompt.