With Alexa voice commands and the Miro Smart Home skill, you can turn on / off your device, adjust your device mode.
You can use the following commands to control your Miro devices (supported commands are different for each device type):
Alexa, turn on "DEVICE NAME". Alexa, turn off "DEVICE NAME".
Alexa, set steam level of "DEVICE NAME" to three. Alexa, set steam level of "DEVICE NAME" to medium. Alexa, set steam setting of "DEVICE NAME" to minimum.
Alexa, set operation mode of "DEVICE NAME" to auto. Alexa, set operation mode of "DEVICE NAME" to manual.
Using your Miro account, you can link this skill to your Echo through the Alexa app.
Miro products, 'miroT' - IoT devices and Miro account registration are required to use this skill.
“Alexa, set steam level of "DEVICE NAME" to maximum”