"More Quotes" contains over 350 quotes that ring something true to me. Some are famous. Some I ran into and chose to add to my list. You will hear one quote per Ask. The average word count of a quote is about 17 words. I may update the quotes from time to time.
Alexa will respond by randomly choosing a quote to read to you.
Just say: "Alexa Open More Quotes" or use, any of these phrases:
Alexa, ask more quotes to give me a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to tell me a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to say a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to read a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to find a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to read me a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to find me a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to talk Alexa, ask more quotes to speak Alexa, ask more quotes to say something Alexa, ask more quotes to recite Alexa, ask more quotes to recite a quote Alexa, ask more quotes to pick a quote