We are huge movie lovers and we always wanted a way to discover the right movie at the right moment. This is what Movie Genius is all about; set your movie genre preference (e.g. "find me a Comedy") and get a list of great movies that match these criteria.
If you want more information for a movie the genius is suggesting, just ask by saying "rating" for example. For another movie matching these criteria, say "next". All the information about a movie is also available as a card in the Alexa app.
Have in mind that each time you search for a movie genre, new results will be returned. This means that asking for a "comedy" again and again will give you new results each time!
Some possible genres that you can ask for: comedy, mystery, thriller, action, adventure, romance, animation, crime, western, musical biography, horror, documentary.
Example usage: - open movie genie - find me a comedy - next - plot - rating - next - cancel