Search for information about movies and series by title and year (optional) on the International Movie Database website, you will get a list of results and you can select any item to see all the detailed information: title, year, director, actors, genres, rating, score, length, plot, etc. Then you go next or previous or return to the list of results or do another search.
An example you could try: "Alexa, open movie info and search Jurassic" you will get a movie list results, then you can try... "select second item" you will get a full detailed information about that movie, then you can try... "go back" or "next" or "previous" navigate the list or go back to the list or select another item or do another search
Other examples: "Alexa, ask movie info to search 12 Angry Men of year 1957" in case you get just one movie, the details info will be showed "Alexa, open movie info and search Friends" "Alexa, open movie info and search The Shawshank Redemption" "Alexa, ask movie info to search Pulp Fiction"
This skill uses screen features of Alexa devices with screen: Echo Show, Fire Tv, etc. For example, voice-text synchronization.
Developed by Rafael Eslava (
“Alexa, ask movie info to search Pulp Fiction of year 1994”