My Math Tutor is intended to quiz elementary aged students on their common core math skills. The common core topics and levels are defined by the State Standards Initiative in the US (more details here:
Not all common core topics are covered, but many are. The topics included in this app include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, next number, number comparison, odds and evens, adding to ten, and place values. The grade levels covered in this app include kindergarten to fifth grade. More topics and grade levels will be incorporated in the future.
There are currently three themes included in this skill: basic, cute, and superhero. The basic theme will have regular math problems, whereas the cute and superhero themes will be a word problem on the same topics. The cute theme is about puppies and kittens, and the superhero theme is about saving citizens. More themes will be included in the future.
Note: currently, the answers need to be given in a phrase like "it is 9" or "maybe 2".